Countdown: The Top 3 Things You Can Do to Make Vet Visits Easier
by Kathryn Primm DVM on 05/24/12
We pet people (myself included) like to make our pets happy and do things that they enjoy. We all know that if our pet hates the trip to the vet, we are less likely to prioritize it. Clients tell us all the time, "He LOVES to come here!" and those are the pets that we can keep the healthiest. The dogs that have to be dragged in our door and the cats that howl all the way are the ones that we see the least. And let's face it, when we do finally see them, it is more likely to be when they are very sick. So what can YOU do to help? Here is the countdown:
3. Teach your pet to not fear the crate and car. If your pet is a cat, only bringing out the crate when you are about to go to the vet is the worst thing you can do. Watch our video on the FAQs page called Cat Carriers: Friends Not Foes and try to implement the suggestions there. Make the carrier and car great places with special treats only given there and trips only around the block to decrease anxiety. If your pet is a dog, take him with you to other places so that the car is a routine part of daily life.
2. Bring your pet to the vet on an empty stomach. This suggestion is twofold. Your pet will be less likely to experience nausea and motion sickness on an empty stomach and he/she will be hungry when we offer our treat/bribes! I always carry treats in my pocket and there are treat containers on every counter at Applebrook. Many of my patients REALLY like the treats we have and will run to me and bury their nose in my pocket.
Drum roll please. The NUMBER ONE thing that YOU can do to make vet visits easier is.....
1. BRING A STOOL SAMPLE from home. Your pet makes a stool sample every day and if you can bring a fresh sample along with you to see us, it will save your pet the dreaded "fecal loop". The fecal loop is the instrument we have to use to obtain a sample directly from your pet's colon. Animals understandably resent this intrusion and it is sometimes uncomfortable for them. Fecal exams are a necessary and important part of our diagnostic panel, so make your pet's visit easier by bringing a sample along!
We are all here because we love animals and we love for them to love us too!