May the odds be ever in your favor!
by Kathryn Primm DVM on 11/29/12
Odds are, you didn't win the lottery. But if you like thinking about odds and statistical likelihoods, then this blog is for you! I was curious about just how likely I was to win the lottery since I saw lots of fuss on the news and social media. One source indicated that the chances of winning were 1 in 176 million. I read someone who wrote that you were more likely to be struck by lightning. I jokingly tell clients that vaccine reactions are unlikely, but if their pet has one, they should consider playing the lottery!
So I thought I would do some research and really show you the odds that your pet will suffer if you fail to follow our guidelines.
Your chance of winning the lottery roughly: 1 in 176 million
Your dog's chance of getting heartworms if not protected: 1 in 2
Your pet's likelihood of contracting intestinal parasites if not protected: 1 in 1 (almost 100%)
Your dog's chance of getting parvovirus if not vaccinated and exposed 1 in 1 (almost 100%)
* I can cite the articles if you would like the list, please add a comment and I will provide it.
In conclusion, you cannot do much to "beat the odds" for the lottery, but you CAN "hedge your bets" for your pets! Vaccinate and do the recommended year-round parasite control. It is very likely that you will be glad you did.