The Walking Dead? : Dr. Primm's Warm and Fuzzies

The Walking Dead?

by Kathryn Primm DVM on 11/07/11

The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) recently published a press release ( entitled "5 reasons you want a veterinarian on your team in a zombie apocalypse". The idea was to draw some attention on Halloween inspired by the addition of a veterinarian to AMC's zombie series, The Walking Dead.  The post has received over 20,000 views and has become a bit of a sensation, both positive and negative.  Here is my 2 cents worth: If a little bit of fun and a catch word like "zombie" causes even one person to read about how to be prepared in the event of a catastrophe, then HOORAY for all.
There are preparedness lists easily accessible on CDC Emergency page. Use common sense.
We are trying to do our part to microchip (permanently identify) pets so that in the event of emergency, they can be returned to their families. Knowledge is power.  The more you know and have thought about what you might do, the more prepared you will be.
And if you happen to develop a new respect for your veterinarian when you are reading about all the things he or she has had to learn and do...all the better!

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