Thunderstorm Planning
by Kathryn Primm DVM on 12/20/13
If you dog is afraid of storms and loud noises, it is best to not wait until 3th of July to start to worry. There are things you can do now to plan for spring storms and summer fireworks.
In the winter or times of fewer storms, desensitize your dog to the sounds of a storm.
Play a CD of thunder recordings at low enough levels that don't frighten your dog, while giving him treats or playing a game. Gradually increase the volume over the course of several months, stopping if your dog shows any signs of anxiety. The goal is to get your dog used to the sound of thunder, and associate it with good things. Experts caution that desensitization can have limited success in an actual storm because you can only recreate the noise, and not the other factors that may be bothering the dog, such as the static electricity or changes in barometric pressure.
Give the dog a safe place where she can go in a storm and always.
That might be an open crate, a
basement where the dog can't hear or see what's happening outside, an interior
room with music playing, or a bathroom. Let your dog decide: Notice where he
goes during a storm, and if possible, allow access to it. Be sure your dog can
come and go freely, since some animals become more anxious if confined.Try offering a crate now when it is not stressful and making it a happy and safe place.
Reward calm behavior all the time.
Many owners make the mistake of trying to console and pet a fearful dog that's whimpering or climbing on them, inadvertently rewarding the scared behavior. Practice SIT, STAY training. Teach your dog at times when there is no storm to sit and stay on command. Practice so much that your dog knows that you will be pleased if she is sitting and staying. If she feels anxious, she can depend on that training to be sure to get the correct response from you, so always reward calm behavior. Ignore anxious behavior as much as you can. During a storm, try distraction with a favorite toy or game. BUT only give the toy if she is calm.
Consider a snug garment and calming pheromone producing items.
Snug-fitting shirts and wraps especially designed to calm anxious dogs are worth a try. Thundershirts work well for some dogs. At Applebrook, we see about 50% of dogs do calm down in the Thundershirt and sometimes using in conjunction with medications and Adaptil collar produces the most reliable improvement.
Be Patient.This type of anxiety is very difficult and frustrating. We will have to work together on this journey as we try different things. Hopefully we can discontinue the medication eventually or at least only give it during the summer.