Who's the "REAL doctor"? : Dr. Primm's Warm and Fuzzies

Who's the "REAL doctor"?

by Kathryn Primm DVM on 02/20/12

In this month's issue of Veterinary Economics, the editor's note was about "3 Ways veterinarians have got human doctors beat".  She went on to elaborate that our veterinary diagnostics are more transparent.  We have in house laboratories and radiology and we frequently go over the test results with the owners before they even leave our hospital-something that is frustratingly not done in human medicine. She goes on to explain that veterinarians, by necessity, have to be looking out for the whole patient. We don't farm our patients out by body system to a myriad of specialists.  We are the healthcare team, right here with the owner.  Lastly, she says that in her opinion, there is less arrogance and superiority among veterinarians. She acknowledges that there are always exceptions, but she finds veterinarians in general to be more humble and compassionate than physicians.  
Of course, I agree with her completely, but I would like to make this FUN!  After you read this, post comments about if and how you think we compare.  Have you had a bad experience at the office of an MD? Are there things they are doing better that we need to model after? Tell your horror stories. Sing your glowing praises (of MDs and US too)! Your comments will be posted here, so if there is something you would prefer kept private, just tell me in the comment and I will not publish it.

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