3 Easy Ways to Slow Signs of Aging for your pet
by Kathryn Primm DVM on 08/23/12
1. SEE YOUR VET. What you think is normal aging might be a disease process that is treatable if caught early. Never underestimate the value of a veterinary exam. Don't forget that pets cannot communicate verbally, so sometimes their hints of what is going on are only obvious to a trained eye. I know it sounds self serving, but there really is no substitute for good medical care...for pets OR people.
2. DIET AND EXERCISE. Pets are made to be 'on the move'. Animals in the wild are never couch potatoes and they always have to work for their food. The things that they find or hunt are never processed and have no chemicals. Obesity is uncommon in wild animals. Make sure that your pet is eating an appropriate and balanced diet (and not too much of it) and it is ok to offer fresh foods, provided you are accounting for the calories and you have checked into the choices to make sure they are safe. If he/she exercises a lot one day, you can increase the intake, but if there is no exercise, you will have to balance for that. Exercise is good for mind and body, so try to get out and walk together!
3. DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. There are lots of things that you can add to your pet's diet that can have very advantageous effects, like joint supplements and omega 3 fatty acids. But BE CAREFUL! Charlatans and thieves have tapped this market with their versions of these supplements, so be sure that you ask your veterinarian which ones he or she has the best experience with. Remember, like other things, human medications are unlikely to be appropriate in these cases.
We have noticed a definite difference in our patients who follow these simple rules both in how long they live and how well. Please feel free to add questions or comments to this blog and I will answer as soon as possible.