Do dogs get ear mites?
by Kathryn Primm DVM on 09/27/11
Very often I get calls from pet owners saying that the groomer told them that their dog has ear mites. I applaud the groomers for noticing the discomfort of the pet's ears and bringing it to the owner's notice, but caution them against making a diagnosis (which is what saying "ear mites" is).
I have been in practice for a very long time and I have seen ear mites in a dog only ONE time. This was a tiny Yorkie puppy that slept with an infected kitten every night. It does not occur commonly at all. Is it possible? Yes, it is possible. But then again I once heard a story about an eccentric veterinarian who placed live ear mites into his own ear because he was curious if they could survive. It might be veterinary legend, but the story goes that the mites flourished inside his ear and he required medical treatment himself. Can you imagine having tiny bugs crawling inside your ear canal? And it was your own fault? YIKES!
So, it the groomer tells you that your dog has ear mites, you need to call a veterinarian for a real exam and diagnosis right away. If there is enough discomfort and discharge from the ear to alert the groomer, then medical treatment is warranted and a veterinary professional can choose the appropriate diagnostics to find the cause and treat accordingly.
Did I make your ears itch with my story??? :)