Serving your fellow man...and Man's Best Friend. : Dr. Primm's Warm and Fuzzies

Serving your fellow man...and Man's Best Friend.

by Kathryn Primm DVM on 12/22/11

What does it mean to serve?  I think that it means doing things to make the lives of others better in some way.  My mother always says "If you see someone without a smile, give them yours." We can all find ways to serve our fellow man and not all of them are giving money to charity or building houses for the homeless (although these are great ideas). I challenge you, in this Christmas season, to find some small way to make someone happy.  People do it for me every day, like when they post photos that they know will make me smile on Facebook or bake me and the staff cookies.   If you are truly ambitious, find a way to make several people happy! Hand out free smiles. Let someone know that you care about them. Send a long lost friend a note or a card.   Guess what.  When you do these will make your life better too!

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